Tips For Selecting The Best POS Software For Your Gas Station

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Tips For Selecting The Best POS Software For Your Gas Station

21 June 2017
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

If you just purchased a gas station and need to replace its old antiquated point-of-sale (POS) software, then you will be pleased to learn there are some great options available on the market today. However, it is important you choose the POS software that will best meet the unique needs of your gas station and your existing hardware. To ensure you make the right choice, follow each of these purchasing tips:

Tip: Assess the Hardware Requirements for the POS Software Packages You Like

Since you purchased an existing gas station that already owns a lot of hardware, it is vital to verify the hardware requirements for any potential POS software before you make a purchase. Not all software is compatible with all hardware and the last thing you want to do is spend the money for a new POS system and then discover it won't work with your existing cash registers, car wash, or gas pumps.

Tip: Skip the POS Software Packages Offered by Small Software Companies

While you may want to support the efforts of small independent software creators by using one of their POS products in your store, you really should avoid doing so. The reason is simple. If the small software company goes out of business for some reason, then you will not have any support for your aging system. Since you cannot just go out and buy a new POS system and expect it to be backward-compatible with all of your existing hardware, going with a major brand of software is always your best bet - even if it is a bit higher priced.

Tip: Understand the Additional Costs that Come with the POS Software You Choose

There are often additional costs that come with purchasing a new C store POS system. Some of the most common are:

  • staff training
  • installation fees
  • updating and maintenance fees
  • specialized hardware

In addition, your gas station might have to purchase new software licenses every few years and you need to know what those costs will be. Get a written quote with all of the associated costs of each software package so you can compare them against each other.

Tip: Do Ample Research and Talk with Existing POS Software Users

Finally, it is important you conduct ample research before selecting a new POS system. You should read online reviews and you should also speak with current users of the software to know what they like and don't like about the product.